Use "ramallah|ramalla" in a sentence

1. The attackers' car drove off in the direction of the West Bank town of Ramallah.

2. Ephraim and his mother were settlers from BeitEl, near the West Bank town of Ramallah.

3. Throughout 1954 there were a number of anti-Hashemite demonstrations, culminating in serious riots in Jerusalem, Ramallah and even Amman.

4. That short talk, given with translation into Arabic, was likely the first address ever given in Ramallah in the Hebrew language!

5. A Palestinian boy plays with a homemade sparkler after breaking his fast during Ramadan, in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Monday, Aug. 20

6. Palestinians relinquish Arab League Chairmanship in protest of normalization Ramallah ultimately decides to remain in organization, after publicly threatening to withdraw altogether over its

7. In 1975, Birzeit College (located in the town of Bir Zeit north of Ramallah) became Birzeit University after adding third- and fourth-year college-level programs.

8. The disembowelment of two Israeli soldiers at Ramallah, in a Palestinian police station transformed into a human abattoir, leaves no mark on the immaculate conception of this draft resolution

9. A Palestinian Muslim man reads from the Quran, Islam's holy book, on "fajr" or early morning prayer, during Ramadan at a mosque in the West Bank city of Ramallah on Tuesday, Aug. 20

10. Aman Coalition issues its thirteenth annual report on the Situation of Integrity and Anticorruption in 2020 Under the slogan “Relapse in transparency and participation compromises integrity” Ramallah and Gaza – For the thirteenth consecutive year, in a press

11. Character Education Partnership (Washington, DC) Cep: Center on Education Policy: Cep: Community Education Partners: Cep: Continuing Education Program: Cep: Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union (Canada) Cep: Center for Engineering and Planning (Ramallah, Palestine) Cep: Certified Equity Professional: Cep: